Thursday, October 7, 2010

P90X, Day 3

Today was Shoulders and Arms and round two of AB RIPPER X! I made sure to pace myself a little more this time, so I didn't end up crying, hahaha. It was still pretty rough. I think I should probably also invest in an actual mat rather than just doing it on my rug. Shoulders and Arms actually went really great - I went over to Rec Hall and blasted my way through it. I'm sure there were a few lifts where my form needs work, and yeah, maybe I was only using the 5 pound dumbbells, but hey, it's a start! I can definitely see myself moving up to heavier weights once I build my endurance a little more. I am gonna be SO SWOLE. RAARRRGH. I will have biceps bigger than my head!!! Okay, probably not really, though my head isn't really that big. :P I don't really have much to add otherwise. Under the jump is the sets & reps I did for each exercise. Tomorrow is Yoga X...sounds fun! And hopefully somewhat less strenuous....Riding lesson tomorrow too!

Alternating Shoulder Press: 2x10x7.5 (2 sets of 10 reps with 7.5 lb weights)
In & Out Bicep Curls: 10/11x7.5 (1 set of 10, 1 set of 11, with 7.5 lb weights)
Two Arm Tricep Kickbacks: 2x9x5
Deep Swimmers' Press: 2x9x5
Full Supination Concentration Curl: 2x8x5
Chair Dips: 10 reps, 9 reps
Upright Rows: 2x9x5
Static Arm Curls: 9/8x5
Flip Grip Twist Kickbacks: 2x8x5
Seated Two Angle Shoulder Flys: 7/8x5
Crouching Cohen Curls: 9/10x5
Lying down Tricep Extension: 2x8x5

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